Friday Fictioneers: Trolling for Women

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers where each week close to 100 people participate in a flash fiction challenge based on a photo prompt.


This week’s photo: Copyright: Rachel Bjerke

And now my 100 word story:

Julie got out of the car and looked around.

She found the cubby containing the firewood and used her flashlight to peer inside. She took a deep breath then reached her hand in. A chipmunk scurried by and she jumped. She shook her head and fingered for the box. She found it, pulled it out, and opened it. The key was inside.

Julie ran back to her car and the little man in the passenger seat greeted her “Did you find it”?


“So now do you believe me”?

An exasperated Julie said” Let’s just get back to the city, this place gives me the creeps.”

The leprechaun smiled “just one more stop.”

66 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Trolling for Women

  1. Nice idea and a funny/sinister image presented. Feels like it needs a little bit more for me…just a sentence more on what they might be up to.


  2. Great story but now I need to know what the next stop is! LOL! By the sound of the comments it doesn’t sound like a stop to look forward to. 🙂 Nice writing Dawn.


  3. I always wondered what women see in those little guys. This one is shady at best. I wouldn’t trust him any further than I could drop-kick him. There’s no telling what kind of sick, perverted ideas he has up his short little sleeve.


  4. I must say that some short guys are very adorable. I’m married to one – not a leprechaun however (or a troll – I hope). Very entertaining story, Dawn.


  5. Between the title and one more little stop…this one has me laughing, Dawn. That Julie. She’s not the same one who was wandering around that empty dark parking lot in another story, is she?


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