Friday Fictioneers: Taking the Plunge

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers where each week close to 100 people participate in a flash fiction challenge based on a photo prompt.
This week’s photo: PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

And now my 100 word story:

When the police arrived she didn’t have to fake her shock. It had hit her the moment she looked into his eyes. When she had suggested they take a honeymoon selfie together by the cliff the idea had only briefly crossed her mind, just as it had so many other times. She never thought she would actually do it.

But she had. She had surprised herself with how quickly and smoothly she had averted his grasp and turned to face him as he fell backward. From the look in his eyes she knew he was shocked too.

72 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Taking the Plunge

  1. Well, that takes care of hubby #1. I think you should do a series. Take her through at least half a dozen marriages — and honeymoons, of course. Let’s see how many she can get away with.


  2. This was like a story I read recently… the wife “accidently” sent her brand-new husband off a cliff… seems she had made a mistake!


  3. I just read a story the other day regarding “selfie” related deaths. Although, the ones I read about were all accidents. 🙂


  4. Yeech, she’s scary. Oh, a cliff… let’s push hubby over it. I love the matter-of-fact way you’ve written this.


  5. It’s possible there’s another layer to this story beside the seeming evil of the deed. If it was a long engagement, maybe it had been full of nasty things. Well done, Dawn. —- Suzanne


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