Where I Go to Breathe

I work at living a stress-free life. It’s easier for me, being single, not having my kids near (except the youngest). Those are not necessarily good things because though it reduces my stress it also reduces my JoY. Nonetheless, there are a few places I go that just being there makes me feel the stress lift right out of me and allows me to breathe. One place is the ocean. There is something about the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the beach that reduces stress. Unfortunately I live nowhere near the ocean. I do however live near Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park and there is a spot, around mile-post 8 that does it for me every time.

Travel Theme: Breathe

12 thoughts on “Where I Go to Breathe

  1. I haven’t been on the actual Skyline Drive in forever. Maybe I need to put that on my summer “to do” list.


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