Friday Fictioneers: Saving Someone

Word spread throughout the workforce: Joe was missing. He hadn’t been seen since the Christmas break. His wife was asking anyone that knew anything to please call.

New Year’s Eve she received the letter. Joe had driven into the lake. No explanations. No blame. No reasons why. “Just to let you know you can quit looking and where to find me “it read.

There’s an empty spot when someone you know commits suicide. It’s a hole that can never be filled.

It nags at you for all the rest of your life.

It doesn’t matter how close you are to the victim.
The question is always the same.

This week’s photo: © Shaktiki Sharma


Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word writing challenge inspired by a picture prompt. Click here to read other stories.

September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Click here for more information.

47 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Saving Someone

  1. I have no idea how that photo prompted this story of yours but who cares? It was a powerful short tale. Expertly done. 🙂


  2. Very sad and poignant. (I’m a bit confused though about the second half of his note: “and where to find me” Did he actually write those words which is what the piece suggests, or did he tell her in the note where his body could be found?)


  3. A sad story, and a good way to approach a tragic topic. The confusion, the letter that doesn’t answer the one question needing answered, the networks of people affected by it. Well told.


  4. Suicide is very sad. I’ve been close to the relatives of three suicide victims, my mother’s first husband (that was long before my mother married my father), my brother’s daughter, and my husband’s sister. It leaves an invisible scar and hole. Good writing. —- Suzanne


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