Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers: I Wish you Sweet Blessings and Love, Lots of Love

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers uses a picture prompt and asks for stories between 75-175 words. Click here to read all the stories for this week.

This picture
Inspired my story:

I knew it was hopeless but I had to come. I stood on the top-level and looked down at the passengers. They were boarding already. The one time a train was on time, this time.

Oh well, I shouldn’t have waited. I should have told him before he left, before he packed his bag, before he bought his ticket, before he told me he was leaving because he didn’t feel I loved him enough.

But I didn’t and maybe that was for the best. Maybe he was right.

20 thoughts on “Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers: I Wish you Sweet Blessings and Love, Lots of Love

  1. Sad! But sometimes, she realized late only after coming to a point of no return(here the airport where he already left). good take on the prompt…


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