Friday Fictioneers: Dinner for One

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

My room is my sanctuary
Apart from the noise

The TV
The video games

The music
The kids

I love those kids
But sometimes I just want to be alone

With my thoughts
With you

Just the two of us
The way it used to be

The way it would be if you were here
If we could get away with it

I wonder if we could get away with it
It’s easy for me

I say I am tired
Have a headache

Then come in here

Where it is quiet
Dinner for one

April is National Poetry Month It is my intention to write and post a poem every Wednesday during the month. #npm17

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word writing challenge inspired by a picture prompt. Click here to read other stories.

50 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Dinner for One

  1. I suggest having dinner with the kids, then sending them to the cinema. That leaves time for two. 😉


  2. Since this was actually dinner for one…. I totally love it. And, frankly, it is not always lonely being alone, is it?
    Lovely, Dawn!


  3. The thing about dinner for one is that it can be sad a lot of the time, but other times quite exquisite, a moment all to yourself. It depends what mood you’re in I suppose


  4. I really appreciated and related to this, Dawn. I also cherish my moments of peace, absolute quiet and nobody talking at me.
    For me the poem seems to have a shift from enjoying that solitude, to wanting to reconnect with that lost love, your partner perhaps who’s a bit estranged and the disappointment there.
    Very well done. So reflective.
    xx Rowena


  5. As King Solomon said, there is a time for all things. Solitude is one of them. This story can appear sad or a reprieve, it all depends upon your point of view. Well written as always, Dawn.


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