Friday Fictioneers: The Protector

Richard looks over at Elizabeth sleeping, the morning sun highlighting the few gray hairs on his wife’s head. “No doubt from those teenagers” he thinks with a smile.

The house is quiet, too early for any of them to be up, he is always first. He finds his dickies and the matching shirt with his name on it; cleaned and pressed by his wife. His plant has a service but she insists on doing it herself to save money. They need every cent they can make. Richard works overtime when he can. He doesn’t mind. He would do anything for his family.

This week’s photo: © Dale Rogerson

I had a hard time coming up with something for this prompt. I tried watching some youtube stories and googling umbrellas. None of that helped, although I did find recommendations for the best umbrellas. It’s here, in case you are interested. In the end this is probably more of a character sketch than a story. In fact even I wonder to what lengths Richard will go to to actually protect his family. Hmmmm……

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word writing challenge inspired by a picture prompt. Click here to read other stories.

43 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: The Protector

  1. Sometimes a story just wants to be told, and you told a good one. I think it is that bright green umbrella that is to blame, it is far to bright.


  2. It rains so much here in Northern Kentucky that the locals refer to the area as “little Ireland”. Umbrellas are not so popular, though…it’s more to raincoats. Easier and safer against the wind and lightening.


    • Interesting. The same for the people in Seattle it seems. I find umbrellas to be a nuisance myself and only resort to them if there is no other choice. Most likely if I really need one, it’s not accessible anyway (lol).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think your character and Bjorn’s need to get together–one to teach the other how to have fun, and the other to teach the one how to be responsible. 😊 This peek into their lives was heartwarming.


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