Friday Fictioneers: Reaching for Romance

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers where each week close to 100 people participate in a flash fiction challenge based on a photo prompt.

This week’s photo: Copyright: Claire Fuller


My 100 Word Story:

I like my part-time evening job in the library. They call me a library assistant but I am more of a library laborer. I don’t mind. A lot of technology has replaced a lot of jobs over the years but it still takes a human to re-shelf the books. The extra income helps pay my student loans. The older women complain about their knees if they have to climb the ladder but I think it makes my legs look nicer. In fact I have taken to wearing more skirts since getting this job.

I hope the law students notice.

51 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Reaching for Romance

  1. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers – The Girl in the Library | The Blurred Line

  2. I don’t think we get it over here (had to google it). Sorry if I’m being a Debbie Downer, maybe they’ll build a mechanical stacker with nice legs 😀


    • Well, I was thinking of a young woman not too long out of college. So then i had to decide who would be close to her age but still in school? Future doctors and lawyers, of course.


  3. That reminds me of a skit I saw where a couple of old men kept asking a young salesgirl to fetch something from the top shelf. Perhaps she should raise her standards and go for a med student 🙂


  4. Oh, dear. What kind of library is this? 🙂 Seriously though, it was a great story. It’s a nice reminder that we all have basic human needs, even in sterile academia.


  5. I agree with David–she’d better drop a couple of books while on the ladder otherwise the short skirts might go unnoticed (unless, of course, she’s a real knockout, and then she might find herself out of a job because she’s an attractive nuisance).


  6. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers – The Girl in the Library | The Blurred Line

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