Friday Fictioneers: Time Elapse Photography

Welcome to another week of Friday Fictioneers where we attempt to write a 100 word story with a beginning a middle and and end from a photo prompt.

This week’s Photo by Lora Mitchell


“What are you doing Shannon?” her mother asked from behind her.
Shannon jumped a little but kept at her task.
“I am going to watch this lily pod open” Shannon said, while adjusting her camera on the tripod.
“Really?” her mother said and Shannon knew she was making that face she makes when she thinks what you are doing is impossible or far-fetched.
She couldn’t see her with her back to her but she had seen that face so many times she had the visual down pat.
“Trust me Mom” she said while making her own face, “this will work!”

56 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Time Elapse Photography

  1. I think you want quotations around “this will work!”

    Other than that, I liked this a lot. Shannon reminds me of my son, who often gets, um, interesting ideas into his head, some much more outrageous than time elapsed photography. I’m glad to say I felt no sympathy for the mom in this story. Creativity is wildly encouraged around here! 🙂


  2. Shannon should enter FF. There’s creativity aplenty here, although her mom’s likely get bumped off in a variety of gruesome ways!!

    You have short change of tense right here: “Shannon knew she was making that face she makes when she thinks what you are doing is impossible or far-fetched.” It’s easily changed to “…that face she made when she thought what you were doing was impossible…”.

    Glad to see Mom wasn’t able to stifle Shannon. I’d love to see the time-lapse pictures.


    • Thanks Rochelle, but you know all the mom said was “What are you doing?”. We, the audience or Shannon never even saw her make “that face”. It’s curious that everyone came down on the mom here but no one considered that maybe Shannon is a little defensive and jumped to conclusions.


  3. I liked the story. I think we all have experiences like this with parents. A couple of grammatical things caught my eye. After “her mother said” you could insert a comma. In fact, you could eliminate those three words and start with Shannon right after the question “Really?” After “Trust me mom,” she said you could omit the word “while.” Just some thoughts. Good work!


  4. Good story here….Seems Shannon (I love that name) and her mother have been down this road before. As you pointed out Mom’s facial expressions could all just be in Shannon’s mind. If you stop a kid one out of a hundred times they seem to remember the one time you stopped them.



  5. When I first read this story I made some assumptions about the mother. However, after reading the comments I realised I shouldn’t have inferred from her daughter’s response that Mum was pulling faces, and from the sound of it, nor should Shannon. But that’s kids for you, isn’t it? Nice story 🙂


  6. Being a creative soul myself, I have learned to imagine, yet ignore ‘those faces’. I’m now in the ‘grandparenting’ stage and I love imagining that light bulb of inspiration appear over the almost 3 year old grandson’s head.


  7. A rainy Sunday night and I’m finally getting to your story. Thanks for your comment on my story. Great mother-daughter interaction. I think nearly everyone could relate to what this daughter is experiencing. Ron


  8. Kids these days with their gadgets and gizmos. They have more technology savy in their pinky than I have in my entire body. I loved the mother/daughter interaction. You captured it well.


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