Friday Fictioneers- Forever Six

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers where each week close to 100 people participate in a flash fiction challenge based on a photo prompt.

This week’s photo ~ Copyright- El-Appleby
And now my 100 word story:

Cleaning out the junk accumulated in this house over the last 25 years is a daunting task, but it must be done. I began in the attic but the first box I opened took my breath away and knocked me to my knees. There on top was the stuffed animal my granddaughter had to have from our trip to the zoo. She was only 6 and who can tell a six-year-old granddaughter “no”?

She would have been 16 this summer if I hadn’t put her on that fateful plane home. Instead she remains forever in our memories; that precious six-year-old.

50 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers- Forever Six

    • I too have been going through some things looking to clean up and out. I suppose that was part of the inspiration.
      Thanks for commenting Janet. Have a nice rest of the week.


  1. I echo what the other folks said, this is a touching and sad story. That unusual stuffed animal needs to be kept for all the memories it contains.


  2. Shockingly sad… major impact, especially as I had just read several funny/ sweet flashes. Wow. Pain- regret – remorse, this flash has it all!


  3. It would be hard not to blame yourself for something like that, even it is was only chance. I think reminders would be more painful than anything, but I guess it’s better than nothing. Great story.


  4. a really heartbreaking tale… and i agree with david, hard not to feel a sense of guilt over sending her to that trip…


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