Friday Fictioneers: Conducting My Life

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers where each week close to 100 people participate in a flash fiction challenge based on a photo prompt.


This week’s photo: Copyright: David Stewart

And now my 100 word story:

Samuel, who was once a renowned conductor for a national symphony looked at his small group of misfit musicians crammed into the Town Park gazebo with a sigh.

He remembered the evening after rehearsal when his third violin got to his knees to show Samuel what he would do to become first chair. Samuel didn’t stop him.

And he would have never stopped him if just then Mrs. Biddy hadn’t come in, catching them expressing their new-found love in the orchestra pit.

“Life could be worse” he thought. He and third chair got married, moved to this quiet neighborhood, and made music whenever they could.

73 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Conducting My Life

  1. Doesn’t quite knit together for me. Can see what you’re after but it feels like a first draft. First sentence could also do with at least one comma. Sorry!


    • Thanks MG. Like I said this was a much longer piece. Getting it down to 100 or so words was challenging. Maybe I could have worked it some more but there co,mes a time when you just have to hit publish and go on with your day.


  2. If it isn’t smooth I’d love to see what smooth was. I thought this was a lot of fun and conveyed life in the orchestra well. I’m sure that sexual favours are often exchanged for promotion not only in the world of the arts but elsewhere. I think in 100 words you have taken us from where he was to what he became as a result of what he did and the idea of regret at the beginning to acceptance at the end. I enjoyed it immensely.


  3. This is a great story. We all know/wish we didn’t know a “Mrs. Biddy.” Love that name! Lucky for these two gents, they found each orher and a lovely new home. Nice happy ending!


  4. Well, at least Samuel and his husband are happy making music in their new home together. I’m sure Mrs. Biddy soon got over her shock – as all biddy-like ladies must do in the end! Great read.


  5. Like some others, I do not understand why you received criticism for this. Maybe it is because you portrayed a same-sex couple…if that is the case, then I did not realise we are still in the 19th century.
    I think you have written a wonderful tale and demonstrated that love knows no boundaries. In fact, I do believe that this story is the first I have read on WordPress involving a homosexual relationship. Thus, I agree with Dawn (talesfromthemotherland), it is often a subject which is overlooked or avoided in ff.


    • IDK…how many really write about love and relationships? These days there are 100 stories every week and they run the gamut of subjects. I know I have used gay characters for my stories before but i don’t know how many times any more than i know how many times i have written about mothers, fathers, or any other types of relationships.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I can’t write witty puns, but I thoroughly enjoyed this, it is a fun story. I’m surprised to read in the comments that LGBT stories are rare on WP.


  7. I was totally confused by the third violin, first chair and third chair until I asked my husband if they were terms used in an orchestra and he told me what they meant. Then I got it! Fun story with a happy ending. Loved the last line. 🙂


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