The Changing Seasons: April 2016

“April borrows twelve days from March”.

I saved that quote at the beginning of the month from These Days Of Mine but now that April is about done I can honestly say she is the middle child. She started off as March but a few times acted like she was June or July. She’s typically rainy but this year decided to be as dry as August. If April can’t behave I don’t know how the rest of her warmer sisters will treat us.

Week One: April Blows in with the power of March

Week One: April Blows in with the power of March

Week Two: April Showers loom but that's all they do

Week Two: April Showers loom but that’s all they do

Week Three: The fields are dry

Week Three: The fields are dry

Week Four: The roads are dry

Week Four: The roads are dry

Week Five: We finally get a little rain and the earth rejoices

Week Five: We finally get a little rain and the earth rejoices

#MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons

P.S. After preparing and scheduling this to post but before it actaully did I was able to capture the last few days of April. It seems there is hope for the May flowers, yet.

April, as we know it.

10 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons: April 2016

  1. I like this collection of beautiful photos of April. I am glad you included the These Days of Mine quote. It is a great one! I liked the foggy morning last capture and would think the whole group would be pretty on a calendar! 🙂


  2. Thanks for sharing the link to my blog! That was a quote I heard my Mom say many times. She grew up in a farming family, so many of her sayings about the weather rang true.


  3. Pingback: The Changing Seasons: April 2016 – Cardinal Guzman

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