Friday Fictioneers: Mother’s Worry. It’s What We Do

Karen peered out the front blinds. It didn’t look like Jesse was coming home tonight, now that the roads were covered with snow. Her last text had been to tell her mother not to wait up.

It was odd to worry about her daily again. Jesse was 36 and recently divorced. Her father had persuaded her to move back home until she could save for something suitable. She refused at first, but his argument was convincing and she agreed on the condition that they not worry over her.

Karen sighed heavily and joined her husband in front of the television. He seemed to be able to keep his end of the bargain.


PHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Potter

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word writing challenge inspired by a picture prompt. Click here to read other stories.

65 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Mother’s Worry. It’s What We Do

  1. Dear Dawn,

    My husband wouldn’t be able to keep his end of that bargain. We have three grown sons in three different parts of the US, I’m not sure, but I think he worries about them more than I do.

    Good story. It is what we do, isn’t it?




    • The title comes from a a few of my relationships at work. Because I work the night shift I work with people the age of my kids (mid 30’s to mid 20’s). I have been told I mother them too much and my response is, “I am a mother, it’s what I do”. lol

      Liked by 3 people

    • I think that some people are just more naturally worriers. My mother wasn’t a control freak at all and she worried over everything. My best friend is a bit of a control freak (we tease her about it sometimes) and she worries less than any of us. she worries


  2. Well, you never stop worrying about your kids – no matter how old they are. Maybe Dad’s just better at hiding it? Great story Dawn 🙂


  3. Wow, you nailed this one. Connie continually worries about our adult children (ages 35 and 32). She also spends a lot of time asking rhetorical questions such as, “I wonder what Greta’s doing tonight?”–like I should know.

    I tell her not to waste time (and grey hairs) worrying about things she has no control over, but she tells me, “That’s what Moms do.”


  4. We worry about loved ones, and that is a good thing. I guess as long as she doesn’t have kids of her own, she’ll remain ‘the kid’. Sweet story, Dawn.


  5. Right on target, Dawn. Parents never stop worrying even if they don’t show it. I’m sure the husband is staring at the tv but thinking about Jesse. Men can be sensitive but not want to show it. I enjoyed it very much.
    Isadora 😎


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