Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258: Fences

First I would like to thank the LAPC group for inviting me to host this week. I’ve been blogging for twelve years, so I have lots of images in my archives but I am going to try to keep it fresh today.
So here goes…a post about fences..

I think any person with a photographer’s eye is drawn to fences. Leading lines are a favorite composition technique that uses, in this case, a fence, to draw the eye to a focal point, usually the horizon, in the image.

Another favorite photographers’ composition technique is symmetry.Ā  Symmetry always captures my attention and fences are a perfect example of that element of proportion and balance, whether they are lined up on the road or you are looking through their slats.

I live in a fairly rural area with lots of fences. Many of them to contain livestock. Horses are some of my favorites to photograph.

But animals using the fence to play peek-a-boo is also hard to resist…

and the variety of flowers that decorate the fences, especially wildflowers, are captivating.

We photographers also love shadows. Not only do fences make good neighbors, they make great shadows.

If you have visited my blog beforeĀ  you know I love barns. So..barns, and farms, and fences. They all go together.

I hope you enjoyed my fence post. Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to visit Lens Artists Photo Challenge in the reader to see what others are sharing.

141 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258: Fences

  1. Pingback: LAPC #258: Fences Line the Way – Gfpacificbeeā€™s Insights & photography

  2. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258: Fences | The World Is A Book...

  3. Pingback: On The Rustic Side | Out of My Write Mind

  4. Pingback: Lens Artist #258 – Fences | Isadora Art and Photography

  5. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258: Fences – 1 Write Way

  6. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #258 – Fences | Leya

  7. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-258-Fences – WoollyMuses

  8. Pingback: ~ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258: Fences ~ | Lindy Low LeCoq

  9. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Fences | scillagrace

  10. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258: Fences – Calling-all-RushBabes

  11. Pingback: Armstrong Kessler Mansion

  12. Pingback: What’s the Point of Fences? – From Pyrenees to Pennines

  13. Pingback: LAPC #258 Fences-Harmony in boundaries! – Philosophy Through Photography

  14. Pingback: Fences – Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Cee's Photo Challenges

  15. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #258 – Fences – Journeys with Johnbo

  16. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge:Ā Fences | A Day In The Life

  17. Pingback: Lens Artists Challenge #258 – norasphotos4u

  18. Such a wonderful selection of photographs of fences.
    I love them all. I like wooden fences. I think of wood
    when I think of a fence. I do need to take variety of pics.
    And, more than a few shots. I enjoyed viewing yours.
    Thank you for hosting and sharing.
    Isadora šŸ˜Ž

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #258 ā€“ Fences | Murtagh's Meadow

  20. A great challenge, Dawn, and I enjoyed it very much. Your beautiful roads and landscapes makes it so inviting too. Wooden fences are very beautiful, but in fact I have another favourite here – the shadow fences. Never thought of it that way – clever and a lovely thought. Thank you for hosting! I can see many of us are enjoying it.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Pingback: Fences from Around the World 2 | Albatz Travel Adventures

  22. Pingback: On the Fence on Fences – Nes Felicio Photography

  23. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #258 – Fences – Flights of the Soul

  24. Pingback: Lens Artists Photo Challenge #258 – Fences – Wandering Dawgs

  25. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258 Fences - My Colorful Expressions

  26. Pingback: Fences – jazziBeeblog

  27. Pingback: Quirky Fences, Mostly – Susan Rushton

  28. Pingback: Lens-Artists Challenge #258 Fences – A Photo's Worth

  29. Pingback: Fences and Beyond | mazeepuran (ą¤®ą¤¾ą¤ą„‡ e-ą¤Ŗą„ą¤°ą¤¾ą¤£)

  30. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-259-Unbound – WoollyMuses

  31. Pingback: Taking Stock: July 2023 | The Day After

  32. Pingback: Joe Pye Weed and the Fence | The Day After

  33. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Favorite Images from 2023 | The Day After

  34. Pingback: Sunday Stills: The Day After | The Day After

  35. Pingback: The Day After: Something to Do | The Day After

  36. Pingback: I Love Rocks! | The Day After

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