Joe Pye Weed and the Fence

Most of my blogging friends and followers know I love fences. I shared a gallery of them from my archives in April when I posted for the A- Z Challenge F is for Fences. Then in July I was asked to host the Lens Artist Challenge #258, and together we chose “fences” for my theme. I spent the weeks leading up to my post date capturing new images and tweaking never before published ones.

Now here we are in October and Terri asks for fences for Sunday Stills: Don’t Fence Me In. I decided to showcase flowers and fences and found enough in my archives for a gallery.

In the spirit of trying to keep it fresh I searched for something new. I found this one in a folder and decided to do a little research. This is Joe Pye Weed on this fence. It is a very versatile plant and has many medicinal properties. It is popular among pollinators (especially butterflies) and is completely edible from root to flower.

8 thoughts on “Joe Pye Weed and the Fence

  1. Pingback: Sunday Stills: Don’t #Fence Me In – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

  2. Fences are a popular theme because of the variety and their varied symbolism. I’m so glad you could share a few more for Sunday Stills, Dawn. Highlighting flowers and foliage around fences is genius! The pink ladies along the white fence is truly gorgeous!


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