Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Favorite Images from 2023

This is really hard to choose but here goes….

From a One Word Sunday Post, where Debbie inspires us each week, with just one word, this one, Lines.

From Cee’s Black and White and Leanne’s Monochrome Madness, my favorite black and whites of 2023:

From My 2023 Cosmic Photo Collection:

My Favorite 2023 image from my Weekly Best Of:

From my own Spring Festival Challenge, which will begin in late March: A Field of Buttercups:

And of course from my Fall Festival of Leaves; the road through The George Washington National Forest:

And another Autumn image, this one from my monthly Changing Seasons post, taken the last week of October, near Gettysburg:

From an October post for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge:

From my stint as a guest host for the Lens Artist Challenge, and from my many many fences, I chose this one as my favorite:

From one of my favorite challenges and one of my favorite bloggers, a little holiday Cheer for #SundayStills.

And last but not least, My Favorite Gran-doggy, Walter

My gran-doggy, Walter

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Favorites from 2023
Congratulations to Ritva and her blog for becoming part of the Lens Artist team. I have been following Ritva here and on Facebook for quite some time and her images are gorgeous. The Lens Artist team chose wisely.

12 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Favorite Images from 2023

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