Friday Fictioneers: We Met on a Rooftop

I stood looking over the neighborhood and inhaled the calming night air.

I heard a rustle behind me and pulled out my flashlight/weapon, illuminating my handsome neighbor.

He smiled at me “4-B, right? I’m 4-D.” I knew who he was.

He walked over to me, with his hand outstretched, “my name is Todd.”

I nodded, “Diane”. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

He stepped up next to me and inhaled deeply.  “There is something about the night air, it’s calming.”

He met my side eye. “Insomnia?”

“Yes” I sighed.

“Just one more thing we have in common” he grinned.


This week’s photo: © Lisa Fox

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word writing challenge inspired by a picture prompt. Click here to read other stories.

23 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: We Met on a Rooftop

  1. The stepping up close, holding out a hand, then inhaling gives me the creeps! I go into alert mode when I’m outside at night and this guy is setting off all of my warning bells.

    Of course, he may be totally innocent and this could be the beginning of something beautiful 🙂


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