Share Your World: 6-15-24

What is/has been your favorite job/occupation?
I worked for years in the bindery of a magazine printing plant as a coordinator.

It was my job to be a conduit from customer service to shipping during the production of the current issue’s run through the bindery. 

Many of those magazines are out of business now, as is the printing plant where I worked. In it’s hey-day, though, I enjoyed the fast pace and quick thinking it took to do my job.

Some of the titles I worked with during their run.

Is there a job you would never consider doing?
Oh there are lots. Anything that puts me in contact with bodily fluids is definitely out, so that covers nursing to plumbing.

Did your family own a business and expect you to join the ranks when you got older?

Did/do you have a career requiring qualifications or did you learn on the job and work your way up?
I worked my way up. I started there when I was 20 and left in my mid 50’s, with a hiatus or two along the way, but for the most part, that is where I worked.

What brought gratitude, a smile or laughter to your life this week?
An evening with my youngest son, his wife, and the grand-dog.

Share Your World

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