Friday Fictioneers: No Trespassing!

I swear, no good deed goes unpunished.

I tried to do something nice for the town and have been met with nothing but ridicule.

The alley that leads to my backyard where I placed a lending library is, it seems, a danger to children.

They say the area is full of too much junk and too many hazards.

The colorful library, they say, will entice children to explore and maybe get hurt.

Junk? Excuse me? I operate a beautiful antique store filled with treasures.

My items are eclectic and unique.

Maybe they should teach their children not to trespass.


This week’s photo: © Dale Rogerson

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word writing challenge inspired by a picture prompt. Click here to read other stories.

30 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: No Trespassing!

  1. This is irony at it’s best. There’s a lending library very much like the one in your story located about a mile from my neighborhood where one will find a number of auto repair garages; it’s a rather industrial part of town. This has caused an uproar with the residents declaring the auto repair area too dangerous for their children, which, BTW, would require crossing the street. The whole outcry by parents is ridiculous. If they were really concerned about the area posing a danger, they should accompany their children to the lending library. This is what happens when parents plead for more community interaction, then complain about it. I think it’s irresponsible for parents to allow their children to walk almost one mile unaccompanied to another town.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the story. I read one recently about a library set up in a redundant UK telephone box which sounds like a great use to me


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