A to Z Challenge: April 25th- V is for Visions

When I started with the idea to create this little business for myself I had to come up with a name. The man who I was engaged to up until December of last year had Linger for a surname. It was my hope that, although this would primarily be my business we would work it together, so Linger(ing) came from that.

I told him the name would be Lingering Visions and it was a week before he could get it right. He kept calling it Lingering Images. At the time that sounded okay, a year later it just sounds weird.
He even suggested that “images” might be better but I insisted on Visions.

I am primarily a landscape photographer, and as such, Vision is the word that comes to mind when I take the shots I love to share. I want people to see one of my pictures, walk away, go on with their day but be able to keep it with them; and recall it when they need that bit of solace. An image can do that, sure, but not as much as a vision. I hope the photos I have included explain what I mean.

Click on the individual picture to see a larger version of that picture.

To see the rest of my A to Z challenge click here.
To learn more about this challenge click here.

9 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge: April 25th- V is for Visions

  1. Pingback: A to Z; The Aftermath | The Day After

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