The Changing Seasons: February 2016

February came in snowy but gave us some great photography conditions with the snowfog.

Snowfog first week of February

Snowfog first week of February

The snow melted quicky when it warmed only to freeze again just as quickly.

Cold and Grey second week of February

Cold and Grey second week of February

And then the melting with mud everywhere!

Very wet! Third week of February

Very wet! Third week of February

Towards the end of the month we had a few pretty days but no dry ones.

A pretty day with threatening skies; fourth week of February

A pretty day with threatening skies; fourth week of February

To learn how to participate in this challenge visit: #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons

18 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons: February 2016

  1. What is it we can say here ? Don’t like the season, just give it 24 hours and it will be different again LOL 🙂 Great pics and captures!


  2. Pingback: The Changing Seasons: February 2016 – Cardinal Guzman

  3. Discovered this and another post today. Better late than never! Great shots, I especially like that “Snowfog first week of February” pho5to, but I’m glad those days are over for now.


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