Tricky Soft Focus Creepy inside of Meems

I took this picture from inside Meems Covered Bridge recently and when I uploaded it to process I noticed this odd green “light” on the upper beams. Most likely it is just a trick of the eye and not the alien orbs it appears to be. ….Or is it? 😉

Each week I use this challenge as a showcase for my latest creative venture, Soft Focus Photography. You can see more of my #softfocus photography by clicking here

One Word Sunday: Creepy

31 Days of Halloween

9 thoughts on “Tricky Soft Focus Creepy inside of Meems

  1. Pingback: Splash – Travel with Intent

  2. It really looks like the reflection of the light off of your camera sensor on your lens. This typically happens when shooting brights objects and not adjusting your camera to remove it. Since the bright object is not a lightbulb, you get a larger reflection than normal.


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