Share Your World: May 25, 2024

Do you have a favorite movie you never get tired of watching?
I don’t watch many movies and seldom the same one twice. Before VCR’s and all that came after, I would watch The Wizard of Oz each year when it aired. It was an event.

Do you have a favorite song or special song as a couple?
I’m single and I tried to find a Country song to celebrate that but i guess none have been written. #goals

How do you relax in the evenings?
I blog, sometimes there is wine. 🙂

Do you celebrate special birthdays or anniversaries?
I celebrate my birthday during the whole month of June! Maybe that sounds crazy but I’m a mom and when my kids were growing up I don’t really even remember mentioning my birthday. Now that I am older and permanently single it is an excuse to celebrate with my friends. My first birthday dinner of 2024 is scheduled in 12 days. Yay!

I’ve never had a Champagne Cupcake before. Have you?

What brought gratitude, a smile or laughter to your life this week?
I got a Brazilian blowout (hair straightening treatment) this week. This is the second time I have done this. My hair is naturally curly and hard to manage, especially in this humid weather, but now it is as straight as can be. I’ll like it better in a few weeks when it gets a little wavy.

Share Your World

10 thoughts on “Share Your World: May 25, 2024

      • Hubby was in hospital with suspected meningitis the day before, and I was called in to be checked out too, so I spent my birthday in A&E. My bloods were clear, but it was suggested I took a covid test because I had a cough (I’ve had it for years, it’s atmospheric and seasonal) and a sore throat (ant powder irritant more than likely). This was positive! Hubby didn’t have meningitis, but they mucked up his meds and as he was in a bad state, it was agreed he would be better at home. I collected him on the 15th. He brought Covid out with him and has been very ill with it. I had no symptoms at all, and finally tested negative today. I think I will celebrate my birthday in July!


  1. Definitely wine, I try and blog in the morning as I like to read or watch a tv series. I only watched films twice when I was younger usually James Bond at Christmas.
    My mum brought a smile to my face today when she waved at herself in the mirror of a shop and said that lady keeps waving at me. I had to explain it was her, she’s got dementia but still had a laugh about it


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