Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 42

Welcome to Thursday Lingering Look at Windows. For instructions on how to participate see our title page.

I’m excited to be going into our forty-second week.
Thanks to all who participated last week.
I hope you will continue to join us when you can.

Happy Halloween!

26 thoughts on “Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 42

  1. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 42 | Urbanicity

  2. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows | A New Day

  3. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows:Week 42 | Foto Challenge

  4. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 42 | Cee's Photography

  5. Pingback: Lingering Look at Windows : On the way home | gypsy life

  6. Pingback: Lingering look at windows | @vannilla

  7. Pingback: Windows with a message | Beyond the Brush

  8. Pingback: Myriad Windows | Travel with Intent

  9. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows | The Day After

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