A Lingering Look at Windows: Week 37

Welcome to the 2014 edition of Window Views. For instructions on how to participate visit out title page

Thanks to all that participated last week and welcome to those who join us now.

This week we are visiting Alexandria Virginia. The year is 2012 and unbeknownst to me I am about to become engaged in a few hours. But before that I had the waterfront to myself and was enjoying a beautiful sunrise. These seemed like appropriate pictures to use on this solemn day.

This challenge is very laid back. Join us when you can. It runs Thursday thru Thursday; jump in any time. Tag your posts A Lingering Look at Windows and so we can catch you in our readers.

21 thoughts on “A Lingering Look at Windows: Week 37

  1. Pingback: Lingering Look at Science Windows. | gypsy life

  2. Pingback: Venice’s Windows: Part 2, Overarching Delight | Travel with Intent

  3. Pingback: more windows of venice | Foto Challenge

  4. Pingback: Windows All Over the Place | Cee's Photography

  5. Pingback: A Word a Week/ A lingering look at windows | decocraftsdigicrafts

  6. Pingback: Lingering Look at Windows #37: Winterthur, DE, 9/11/14 | JaniceHeck

  7. Pingback: Windows Ablaze | Insight From A Woman's Heart

  8. Pingback: A Lingering Look & A Word a Week – Windows | Let There be Peace on Earth

  9. Pingback: A walk in scottsville, va (JMW) | priorhouse blog

  10. Pingback: more windows of venice | Geriatri'x' Fotogallery

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