Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 20

Welcome to Thursday Lingering Look at Windows. For instructions on how to participate see our title page.

I’m excited to be going into our twentieth week. Thanks to all who participated last week. I hope you will continue to join us when you can.

I’ve been visiting wineries for some time now. It started when I was still engaged and we mostly sought them out for the landscapes. Sometimes we would split a tasting and that would end it. Towards the end of our relationship, I was becoming curious about the wine itself. I wanted to learn more about the process, the different grapes, and what I find most important these days, the food pairing. By the time I was really getting into this I was single and have had to rely on girlfriends to accompany me. This has not been a problem.

Naturally, I take pictures of the windows at the various wineries and I have quite a collection by now. There are too many for one post so I have decided to do it by winery, and start at the beginning of my tour.

This first group is actually a smattering of wineries from 2012.

Barren Ridge is one of my favorite wineries although it is over an hour away I hope to get back there soon.

Barren Ridge is one of my favorite wineries although it is over an hour away I hope to get back there soon.

Philip Carter was the first winery I took a “tour” at. I am now a member of the Carter Charter.

We visited Miracle Valley on September 11, 2012. We didn't have any wine but I will go back and rectify that.

We visited Miracle Valley on September 11, 2012. We didn’t have any wine but I will go back and rectify that.

Driving near Doswell Virginia we pulled over to “get our bearings” and happened upon this little treasure.

61 thoughts on “Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 20

  1. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows | The Day After

  2. Pingback: Hermes Through the Window | Shop with Intent

  3. Pingback: Who’s that, Peeping out of the Window? | Travel with Intent

  4. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 20

  5. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows Week 20 | SC Surf Butler

  6. Pingback: Lingering Look at Windows | wordsvisual

  7. Pingback: Stained Glass in Chicago | Photography Journal Blog

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  10. Pingback: Lingering look at Windows : Windows into the inner-sanctum. | jacksjottings

  11. Pingback: Garden Windows | The World Is a Book...

  12. Pingback: Lingering look at Windows- week 20 | restlessjo

  13. Pingback: Lingering Look at Windows : Convicts views | gypsy life

  14. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 21 | The Day After

  15. Pingback: Lingering Look at Windows : Who are you? | Memories are made of this

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