Friday Fictioneers: Living by the Thread

If I ever think I am sane
All I have to do is look in my closet
It is insanity.
More clothes than any one person needs,

I’ve always been like this
Even during my jeans and t-shirt phase
There were lots of t-shirts
Bands and Harley’s
Cute little sayings

And socks to match
Pink, green, red, and blue socks

These days it is leggings
With tunics and dresses
So many dresses

And shoes
Oh my, the shoes!

And jewelry!
 Cheap costume jewelry
Rings for my fingers
Rings for my lobes

I buy them to match my shoes

This week’s photo: © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly 100 word writing challenge inspired by a picture prompt. Click here to read other stories.

April is National Poetry Month, and so, I am attempting to write my Wednesdays pieces in that form. That goes for both The Unicorn Challenge, which is scheduled to post at the start of the day, and my Friday Fictioneer’s contribution which posts when it is complete (depending on the muse).

Thanks for indulging me.

35 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Living by the Thread

  1. Oh boy, you’ll have lots of us who completely identify with this one! I have gotten rid of four big trash bags of clothing that was way to large, but I still have too much in my closet. I KNOW I should get rid of things that are too small, but I keep thinking, “Once I lose a few more pounds. . . . ”


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