Scaffolding Rosary

Samsun reported to the foreman’s office at the end of his shift. The foreman was a big man, fat really, and not very smart, but smart enough to become the boss so Samsun respected that. The foreman chewed a cigar and wore a straw cowboy hat. Samsun was raised to not wear a hat indoors and he tried not to think less of his boss for doing so but some things were ingrained.

The boss said he wanted to come straight to the point. This job they were doing was taking much longer than they had anticipated. If he didn’t make the profit he forecasted he might have to let some of the crew go he explained to Samsun. “Perhaps” he inquired ‘you have some ideas on how to make things go quicker.”

“Safety harnesses” Samsun told him. Without them the crew prays to the Virgin Mary with each step. “They are expensive” the foreman told him. “How would I recover the cost?” Samsun remained calm, he needed this job. Perhaps I can get the men to pray for you; on Sunday, of course, after the job is done, and no one is hurt or killed.

The foreman considered Samsun’s offer and then stuck out his hand. “Deal” he said.

This picture inspired my story.

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers uses a picture prompt and asks for stories between 75-175 words. Click here to read all the stories for this week.

16 thoughts on “Scaffolding Rosary

  1. I didn’t even notice that the men in the photo weren’t wearing any safety harnesses, but now that you mention it, it looks so obvious — and so dangerous! Clever story idea, and I like how Samsun deals with his boss. Great title, too!


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