Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 13

Welcome to Thursday Lingering Look at Windows. For instructions on how to participate see our title page.

I’m excited to be going into our thirteenth week. Thanks to all who participated last week. I hope you will continue to join us when you can.

A few weeks ago I was in Staunton (pronounced Stanton) Virginia for a little overnight trip. I got a marvelous deal through Groupon, easy to do in the winter. I had looked forward to this trip for months. Staunton is one of those quaint little cities (population 26,000) with lots of art galleries, history, and cool architecture; that’s right up my alley! Unfortunately it was raining/snowing when I was there so after a quick lunch I sprinted back to my car only to catch, out of the corner of my eye, an interesting art galley across the street. While I had a parking space I decided to check it out. This was one of those moments that must have been preordained; you know, like fate or destiny. I had a whole itinerary printed out and this gallery was not on it, but like I said; fate.

I went on in and met a friendly man at the desk who seemed a bit nervous. I later found out this was his first time volunteering at the R.R. Smith Center for History & Art; again, fate, but I will explain that more in a minute. I moved through the gallery excited to view their current exhibit; Youth Art (from the students of local schools).

When I came out of the exhibit hall I stopped to talk to the charming gentleman. I asked about the beautiful structure and he told me it was a hotel built-in 1895 and designed by local renowned architect, T.J. Collins. He went on to describe the community project to save the building and turn it into an art center. I explained my visit and how I loved architecture and was disappointed that I wasn’t going to get to shoot as much outdoors as I had hoped. He excitedly told me to help myself and explore the upper floors of the building; mentioning some interesting windows that were put in during the renovation. “Windows?”, I thought. I found myself salivating but I never let on. Yes I was as cool as any cucumber, smiling politely and slowly ascending the stairs.

Fate, I tell ya! This museum was not on my list, it just happened to be next to the place where I had lunch when my first choice of restaurant was brimming with the after church crowd. I doubt a seasoned volunteer would have been so accommodating. If anyone from the Smith Gallery ever reads this, please don’t be mad at Mister, he was wonderful and even though I got some pictures from inside some of your offices, I swear, I never touched a thing!

32 thoughts on “Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 13

  1. Pingback: Thursday’s lingering look at windows : Brisbane revisited | gypsy life

  2. Pingback: Using HDR to look through a window | Photography Journal Blog

  3. Pingback: Lincoln City – Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 13

  4. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows Week 13 | SC Surf Butler

  5. Pingback: Abandoned | Beyond the Brush Photography

  6. Pingback: Lingering Look at Windows | wordsvisual

  7. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows | The Day After

  8. Pingback: Thursday Lingering Look at Windows: Week 14 | The Day After

  9. Pingback: A to Z Challenge: April 19th- Q is for “Quaint” | The Day After

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